Garden construction

We build the garden of your dreams


One of the main problems in terms of watering gardens is the high cost of receiving the water if we do not have an exhaustive control. We design and install irrigation systems for sprinkling, spreading or dripping, for gardens and terraces.

We can design an irrigation optimizing it so that it has the right and necessary consumption depending on the plants to be irrigated, taking into account their needs and the water flow and pressure that is available to the installation.

We also advise on the use of rainwater for irrigation. We are currently installing automatic management systems that allow us full control of our irrigation systems, being able to know the consumption, possible water leaks, prevention of breakdowns and even connecting to weather stations, stop the risks when it rains or when there is rain forecast, to save and optimize water consumption.


Another way to enjoy the plants is to cover completely vertical walls with metal structures that allow the plants to live and develop as in a garden, but vertically.

This solution allows smoothing all those constructions that, by direct impact of construction elements such as concrete, wood or prefabricated, generate a cold and lifeless environment. A vertical garden can have many uses, be in small spaces or even cover the facades of buildings in their entirety.

On the other hand, the vegetal roofs convert any building cover of a building, sports pavilion, car park or warehouse into a new green area within the nucleus where it is located. In addition to the aesthetic effect, they offer energy savings for housing. Some of the advantages of incorporating these structures are, among others, the minimization of visual impact, the reduction of heat radiated within the same urban area, the conversion of carbon dioxide into oxygen, thermal insulation against temperature variations, protecting the waterproofing, improving the soundproofing and, aesthetically, improving the overall image of the construction.


We install artificial grass in gardens and terraces. Artificial turf, unlike natural, adapts to all types of spaces: buildings, terraces, shop windows, interior areas and many more.

This lawn allows you to play with all kinds of tones and shapes enjoying the green space, avoiding maintenance and eliminating water consumption.


Environmental restoration has gained importance in all executions of civil works that are carried out within a space with a natural environment. The main actions are: replanting of native species, hydro-sowing and hydro-blanketing.

Hydroseeding and hydro-blanketing are two techniques that allow us to project a mixture composed of seeds, fertilizer, stabilizer and fixer that allows seeds to germinate on land of very poor quality, even, almost vertical slopes and hard or rocky composition.

On the other hand, the replanting of autochthonous species, as its name suggests, consists of replanting native species from a place that has been spoiled by the passage of time, atmospheric phenomena, human causes or damage to works.


We work with wood for exteriors, from the installation of wooden floors to the construction of planters, ladders or structures such as arbors or porches. The wood can be treated with pine or from tropical origins. We can also use technological wood (artificial or synthetic). We study the environment to decorate and we propose a design with the most modern and innovative materials.

Currently there is a wide range of materials built with resins that prevent them from decolouring or drying out over time, apart from presenting more rounded and modern shapes that give a special touch to spaces.

We listen to you and advise you on the best option for your needs.

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