Take care of your garden optimally and without complications with our services.


Realitzem manteniment de jardins de manera integral o en la mesura de les necessitats del client, que té l’opció de realitzar un manteniment compartit. Demaneu pressupost sense compromís.


In the maintenance of a garden with grass more than 60% of the time dedicated is devoted to mowing. For this reason we propose the installation of robotic lawnmowers, since the amount that is destined can be amortized quickly. We take care of doing the previous study and present an economic proposal, then, we perform the installation and the tuning. If the customer wishes, we also handles the monitoring, control and maintenance.


The remote management applied in the automatic irrigation systems allows us to have total control of the programming; from any place with internet connection we can consult and modify the programs. This advanced system can also indicate possible water leaks, as well as alterations to the electrical elements, and foresee possible system failures. The connection of our programmer to nearby meteorological stations will allow us to automatically stop the risks in case of rain, and even cancel the programs if there is rain forecast, to save water. If we also install sensors to our garden, we can adjust water consumption much more.

We listen to you and advise you on the best option for your needs.

RESPONSIBLE: Jardineria Girona SLU | PURPOSE: to respond to your requests and inquiries. | LEGITIMACY: you expressly, freely and unequivocally accept the collection of your data and the subsequent treatment. | TARGET: Jardineria Girona SLU and will not be disclosed to third parties, unless legally required. | RIGHTS: you have the right of access, rectification, portability, cancellation, opposition and oblivion of your data. You can exercise these rights by requesting it through the mail | PROVENANCE: from the interested party.

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